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Pixy for Astronomical Imaging

Dear members,

I am apologize for slight offtopic.

The CMUcam5 has sensor good low ligth property compared to last raspicam. The people use it vor astrophotography! ( http://www.boltonastro.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=752 ) Im asking about posibility take single frame long exposure images with pixicam. Is it possible? Through standard usb interface?

Best regards

Getting Pixy to take an extended exposure might be possible. I’ll ask around and see if anyone has ideas.


Hello Edward,

nice that you asking arround!

Do you have some results already?


Hello Maksym,
This kind of extended exposure isn’t supported in the current firmware. It might be possible by tweaking the imager’s settings, which I was trying to get some answers. I’m coming up blank at the moment. (sorry!)


Hello Edward,

thank you for your efforts.

Please let me know if you get some news.

Thank you in advance