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Pixy hardware and connection needs for an overhead, fixed mount.

I would like to create a project that uses Pixy as an overhead fixed camera to track movement of objects on the floor. The camera would be about 9 feet and mounted to the ceiling.

All of the tracking would happen from a PC.

So my question goes to the components I need. It seems I would just need the Pixy camera and a USB cable from Pixy to my PC. Would folks agree with this setup? If so, can I then develop code in C on my PC to get data from the camera? It is unclear from my brief review of the solution whether I need an intermediary piece of hardware like Arduino for this to work.

Hello Marc,
You can hook your Pixy to your PC over USB. We have Linux support (officially) that we’d recommend:


But there are some users who got a .NET implementation of libpixyusb working:


Hope this helps!


Thanks Edward. I will check it out.

Any thoughts on publishing a Windows API?


Hi Marc,
We don’t get much interest in Windows because (I think) Pixy is mostly used in embedded applications (not hooked up to a PC). But I’ll this as a request :slight_smile:
