I’m trying to interact with my pixy cam which is trained to detect red objects over the i2c bus of the Beagle Bone Black. For this purpose, I’m using the smbus package and everything looks fine according to my logic analyzer.
Right now I am dealing with two major Problems.
- The servo motor on the pixy doesn’t react to every pan and tilt position I’m sending to the Pixy. According to the wiki I just have to send an 6 byte word which contains an sync word and the pan and tilt positions like this
0xff00 00 00 00 00 for setting both positions to zero
0xff00 03 E8 03 E8 for setting both positions to 10000
But he’s ignoring most of the positions I am sending to him and remains in the previous positions.
- According the wiki my pixy will output its detected values in its own “Object block format” which starts which a Sync Word starting with 0xaa55 for a normal object or 0xaa56 for a Color object. But the bytes I receive if the Master asks for bytes from the slave doesn’t start with the sync Byte. The Sync Byte appears after an random number of Bytes followed by the Data.