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Pixy in nightlight conditions

Hello guys,
For a school project We are aiming to build a device for a telescope to track the movement of stars and we were wondering if the pixy cam works in the dark as well as in normal daylight. Furthermore i want to know if it is capapable to track small objects like stars.
Does anyone have any expierences with that? I’d appreciate any help.

Hi Rudolf,

hmmm. Stars are probably too small for Pixy to track with the stock lens - it’s capable of detecting objects as small as 4x1 pixels in its image sensor. However, it’s possible to swap the lens for a zoom lens - which will decrease the field of view, and increase the apparent size of objects in the sensor.

Re: low light conditions…this might also prove to be a challenge. Have you already purchased a Pixy?


first of all thanks for the info about the zoom lens.
Anyway no I haven’t purchased one yet. I wanted to makes sure that it fulfills all requirements first.

OK. Pixy has an infrared coating on the lens by default - you might check out IR-LOCK’s lens kit, it includes a filter to only view infrared light: http://irlock.com/collections/shop/products/ir-lock-filter-for-pixy

You may have better results with this setup, but I’m still not sure that Pixy is the best choice for this application. You may run into trouble with exposure settings (at night) and with object detection, since Pixy is designed to track colored objects.