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Pixy lost functionality. No longer returning ALL singatures

Hey guys! I just wanted to bring this issue to your attention. I have two robots, each having a pixy talking to DUE via i2c port. I had pixy set up and running for a really long time, and today something happened to both of them (at least I noticed that they are not doing what they are supposed to). Pixies are no longer returning all signatures when blocks= pixy.getBlocks() is called. They only return one block of the first available signature. If signature 1 is available, it will blocks will only contain block 0, signature 1 and ignore all other signatures. If signature 1 is not available, and signatures 2-7 are available, pixy.getBlocks() will return one block 0 of signature 1. I opened pixy Mon and checked all settings, everything looks fine and I know that it is seeing everything that it needs to see.

I tried re-teaching and a bunch of other basic troubleshooting (wire checking , e.t.c), cant figure out whats wrong.
Im running pixyMon v 1.0.2 and arduino library 0.1.5. I modified arduino library slightly by commenting out Serial.println() statements, other than that everything is stock. Any ideas ?

Thanks !


update: reinstalling firmware solves the problem.


It sounds like the “max blocks” setting on the blocks tab was set to 1. Glad you worked through it though…

Hey Rich! Max blocks settings was set at 1000, i have not tampered with that parameter, and I double checked that it wasnt the case by changing the value to something else. This happened to both of my pixies, which ive been using for about 5-6 month. My guess that something happened because I do power on and off pixies quite frequently with a relay