Hey guys! I just wanted to bring this issue to your attention. I have two robots, each having a pixy talking to DUE via i2c port. I had pixy set up and running for a really long time, and today something happened to both of them (at least I noticed that they are not doing what they are supposed to). Pixies are no longer returning all signatures when blocks= pixy.getBlocks() is called. They only return one block of the first available signature. If signature 1 is available, it will blocks will only contain block 0, signature 1 and ignore all other signatures. If signature 1 is not available, and signatures 2-7 are available, pixy.getBlocks() will return one block 0 of signature 1. I opened pixy Mon and checked all settings, everything looks fine and I know that it is seeing everything that it needs to see.
I tried re-teaching and a bunch of other basic troubleshooting (wire checking , e.t.c), cant figure out whats wrong.
Im running pixyMon v 1.0.2 and arduino library 0.1.5. I modified arduino library slightly by commenting out Serial.println() statements, other than that everything is stock. Any ideas ?
Thanks !