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Pixy not detected by PixyMon


I tried to change “Data out port” to 2 to try UART-communication. After that pixymon didn’t detect pixy properply anymore (see the printscreen). I uploaded the newest firmware again assuming it would be set to factorysettins (Data out port to 0). But this didn’t work either.

Can somebody give a solution.

Thanks in advance,

Hello everybody,

I got pixy working again. The first second pixymon started it seemend to recognize pixy. In that one second I was able to click on “Restore default settings” (see the printcreen in the attachment). That got the job done. Still weird that changing “Data out port” to 2 gave such a problem.


Hello everybody,

It seems I made a mistake and mistakenly set “Default program” on “General” to 2.
Now I used the “interface” tab and now there was no problem.


Thanks Bart! Good find!

This is a bug in the firmware— we’ve reproduced, and it will be fixed in the next release.

But BEWARE — getting out of this situation was challenging!

In the meantime, just keep the “Default program” value either 0 or 1. Any other value and this bug will come to life!


Please I made this mistake and if I click on “restore default parameter” it doesn’t change anything.

Do you have a solution?

Edit : I found a solution. Just add the condition in exec.cpp (line 159) :

@if(g_program>1) g_program=1; //Add it just before the return@

Then load the firmware and the problem disappear.

Hi Philippe,
It’s been fixed on github— just waiting for some other changes to come in. Another way to work around this is to use the button press sequence to run another program upon boot-up:

(see where is says “run demo by using button press sequence”)

Once you’re running the red program, you can then do a restore defaults.
