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pixy not working

We were using the IR lock firmware to detect objects,which was working fine.Then we thought of adding ir filter (m 12 size),we followed the following link for installation http://nuigroup.com/forums/viewthread/4189/ .Now, after adding the filter ,it is neither detecting the signature,nor showing the raw video on pixymon.Even after removing the filter,result was the same.Can the image sensor be damaged?What can be the solution for this?

I’m not sure what you mean by “not working”. What message/behavior are you getting?

You might try going down the checklist here:

especially tests 4 and 5.

Hi Nilay,

This is Thomas (I do IR-LOCK stuff). I may be able to provide assistance. Did you purchase from the IR-LOCK website, or did you use a custom-built filter+adapter?
