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Pixy Pan/Tilt Demo

i get a Pixy and a Pan/Tilt. The Pixy can detect the objects. but the Pan/Tilt doesn´t follow the objekt. What did i wrong ?

In the terminal of Pixymon:

Pixy detected.

runprogArg 8 1
response: 0 (0x0)
runprog 1
response: -1 (0xffffffff)

Can you help me please

Hello Michael,
Have you tried running the pan/tilt demo from the Action menu?



Hey Edward,

Yes i tried running the pan/tilt demo from the Action menu…

i´m sure that i assembled the pan/tilt correctly.

maybe the servo is defect?

Action➜Run the pan/tilt demo.

Hello Michael,
I’m not sure why you are getting an error. Your Pixy isn’t going into the pan/tilt demo. Can you try reflashing your firmware?

You should also make sure you are running the latest PixyMon software as well.

You can get the latest firmare and PixyMon here:
