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Pixy Pan-tilt zero

Where is the 0 azmuith(pan) , 0 elevation (tilt)
position suppose to be on pan-tilt?
Where should it point at default zero
What should the rotation directions be?


Hi Cozmic,

The input range for the pan/tilt is 0-1000, so 0 sets the servos to one end of their motion ranges. There is no default position, so if you want to start the pan/tilt servos in a known position then you should do this on startup.


How do I know if the servo arms are installed in the correct position
to get full travel?
Seems like my servo arms are NOT in right position on servo output shaft.

at set pan 0/1000 where should arm be?
at set tilt 0/1000 where should arm be?


Did anyone have any answers for this one? I assembled my pan/tilt with:

  • the tilt arm pointing downwards and full travel roughly to the horizontal forwards and backwards
  • the pan servo “pointing forwards” with travel roughly 90 degrees left and right

When I apply power, pan goes all the way right and stays there, and tilt goes to maximum elevation and stays there. I can hear the buzzing sound that servos make when you tell them to move further than they can actually go.

With power off, what should the positions of the servo arms be?

Many thanks,

Also, if I remove the horns altogether and turn it on, the servos just go left/right and up/down all by themselves, over and over again. Is this some kind of “training” routine, or is it just going nuts?

Many thanks,

Ah, never mind - changed the cable, all works now :slight_smile:

Thanks for an awesome project!!


Glad you figured it out, Alec. Let me know if you have any other questions.
