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Pixy + Servo Mount with uArm

Hi All,

I’m working to incorporate pixy with the uArm Metal robotic arm. The initial application is an autonomous tic-tac-toe player.

I am having trouble determining how to integrate the two hardware components. The Arduino Uno compatible Uduino only has a serial connection, which I hope will work fine with a custom cable.

I had planned to power the Pixy via the +5/Gnd pins available on the serial connection. The problem is that if I am using the servo mount, the docs here say that I should power the Pixy directly and let it power the Arduino.

  • First, I expect that my uArm Uduino cannot be powered by the serial port.
  • Second, there is already a built-in powered servo shield to drive the rotors that powers the Uduino.

I can power the pixy through the power port so do folks here advise that I only connect the two Tx/Rx pins and not try to use any power sourced from Pixy in this way?

(Anyone integrated Pixy and uArm yet?)

Thank you all for your expertise. :slight_smile:

Hello Dave,
Sounds interesting!

The main issue with powering Pixy through the I/O connector is that you will likely run into power issues if you also have RC-servos hooked up to Pixy’s servo connectors (if Pixy is also powering 2 servos). If not, you should be totally fine powering Pixy through the I/O connector, assuming that your power supplier (Arduino?) can source enough current (150mA).

Hope this helps!


Right, the problem is that I am using the servo mount. I should have been clearer about that.

So the Wiki suggestion is that I power the Pixy directly and let it power the Uduino in the arm. I do not think this will work because of the existing integrated power system of the arm (and because it don’t think powering that direction over serial will work.)

Any thoughts?

Hello Dave,
I’m not familiar with your platform. Does the Uduino accept an unregulated power source? (for example 7.2V or 9V) If so, you can just route unregulated DC power to both the Pixy and Uduino and you should be fine.

If not, please include a link that describes the power system on the Uduino.

Hope this helps!


Thank you, Edward.

Unfortunately, there is no technical information available for the board, now described only as an “all-in-one Arduino-compatible” board that also includes the servo drivers. The AC power adapter label says it outputs 5V.

Here’s a link to the “uArm Metal product page”:https://ufactory.cc/en/uarm/ (apologies) - there is not much else.

The only open pins on the board are the 4-pin serial connector +5, Tx, Rx, Gnd.

My thought was to do custom power supply 5V for uArm, 6-10V for Pixy w/servos. Then, in Pixy serial mode, connect the Tx/Rx pins and the ground pins?

Please feel quite free to tell me that this is just not enough information to begin connecting wires. :slight_smile:

Thank you,

Hello Dave,
It looks like the uarm takes 5V, so your plan sounds good to me!
