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Pixy turning on and off?? / servo buzzing please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HI! My pixy apears to be turning on and off while connected to pixymon.
“error: Pixy has stoped working.”

in a few sec later i get

“Pixy detected”

A few sec later i get the same over and over.
I tought its my usb cable but now i got an arduino hooked up to it and it dose the same if i have it hooked up only thru the arduino.
And my servo is bussing all this time.
I swapped the servo made no difference.

Hello Peter,
This guide is a good place to start:


I’m mostly worried about your USB cable and if you are using a USB hub. In general, powering Pixy and servos through an Arduino isn’t going to work because the Arduino can’t source enough current.


Hey Edward! Thanks! I hope that is it!
On my usb cable I have 3 different size usb connector endings. So yeah basically a hub.
I just didn’t thought it would be the cable cause the same behavior thru the arduino… But if thats not enough juice then yeah
it might be just that simple.
I hope hubs can cause low power if nothing ales is connected to them.


Hi Peter, let me know what you find :slight_smile:

Hey Edward! Got a new cord…
When I pluged it in it was buzzing a few sec then Started moving the servo good;)

Stopped working again.
I mounted it up on a servo that can move it in a pan motion only. ( i dont need the tilt for my project)
Plugged it into the pc and the servo has a rapid clicking sound out of it. Sounds like one click at every 1/10 of a sec.
Then i turned on piximon on the pc.
Set signature one.I got the Ir lock version so my target is an IR led.
Run pan tilt demo.
Have my little infra led in my hand right front of it. No other ir signature anywhere als.
Once in a while it tracks it good, then stops or looses it very easy. I have to hold the led long and very close for it to pick it up again. Sometime when it picks it up again pixy start oscillating left right for several seconds.
However the connection with pixymon is steady now its not keep disconnecting like before the new cable.

Little update…
I have re installed everything to the latest greatest.
The issue is the same.

How can i connect more power to pixy?
I know where is the power port and that it suppose to be 6-10v but i dont see any markings regarding polarity.
I dont have a power supply with the correct cable so planning to use some old power supply that fits the bill and hook it up with arduino jumpers.

Hi Peter,
Let’s keep this to one thread – I’ll meet you over on the other thread (http://cmucam.org/boards/8/topics/7877)



Yeah… getting desperate.