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Pixy with Beaglebone Black

Hi guys!

Is there any way to connect the Pixy with the Beaglebone Black so that it can send the data to it?
Is it similar to the Raspberry Pi?

Many thanks,

Yes, I connected the BeagleBone Black some time ago but it’s not perfect.
I did it with the help of a spare Arduino Uno (you may try with a cheaper one).
See this topic:
Make two low-pass filters like in the picture attached to the first message of that topic. I used resistors with different values than those in the picture. I’ll tell you later today which values I used.
You’ll need a breadboard, wires, two resistors, two capacitors.
Upload the sketch to the Arduino. The sketch is attached to this message.
Connect the Pixy to the Arduino with the serial cable, and then the filters to the Arduino, to the pins specified in the code of the Arduino sketch.
This may be enough to connect a different board than the Beaglebone, if it has analog inputs (you would just need to connect the output of the filters to the analog input of the particular board), but the analog input of the Beaglebone requires 1.8 V. So I put a small voltage divider circuit between the filters and the Beaglebone to obtain a voltage drop which is enough to make it work. You’ll need four more resistors for it.
I did this by trial and error so the values of the resistors may not be perfect, but it works good so far (demo: http://josieusa.com)
I did it a while ago, so I’m sure that someone will find better solutions (maybe someone already did).
More info later

Thanks Emiliano for your suggestion :slight_smile: Values would be great!

I am using it for a uni project to track the movement of six soccer robots and need the pixy to send the data of all the detected images to the beaglebone black.

If anyone has any other solutions or ideas it would be awesome to share!


Here are the values, sorry for being late.
A 1k (ohm) resistor for each servo in the pan/tilt mechanism.
A 4.7k resistor and a 4.7 microfarad capacitor for each of the low-pass filters.
A 2.2k resistor between the input of each voltage divider and the ground.
First I tried with a 1k resistor between the input and the output of the voltage divider, which is the most logical thing, but that gave wrong values, I don’t know why. I started picking lower and lower values until i picked a 47 ohm resistor, and it seems like it works, which is very strange. There must be something very wrong with the power supplies I use. I power the three boards with three separate power supplies.
Start with high values of the resistors so to minimize the risk of burning your BeagleBone.
I’ll give more details in October.
I hope this helps.