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Pixy with Dynamixels

I hooked up my Pixy to an Arbotix running two dynamixel servos in a pan/tilt configuration. I ended up using an Arduino Uno for driving the camera and calculating the servo angles and then am using softwareserial to send the servo positions to the Arbotix via the digital pins. It works pretty well. Here’s a quick test video.

HI James,
can you give some details here on how you do it.
I can using the camera to control the direction of the bioloid.
Now I used Pixy 5 connected to ARduino uno, output via arduino uno to CM510 controller to tell X and y coordinate. ARduino PWM has to go through low/high pass filter to CM510. The 2 servo are controlled by the same arduino.

Abit clumsy and stupid configuration.

How do you connect you Pixy 5 to Arbotix ???

The pixy is connected to the Uno which sends the positions to the arbotix via software serial on the digital pins. I am using an arbotix with the Rx Bridge to send the angle values to the dynamixel servos but the new arbotix boards work differently I believe.

james bass wrote:

The pixy is connected to the Uno which sends the positions to the arbotix via software serial on the digital pins. I am using an arbotix with the Rx Bridge to send the angle values to the dynamixel servos but the new arbotix boards work differently I believe.

Hi James !

please upload Programs in Arduino And arbotix

Hello James,
Thank you for sharing!
