So I intended to use a switch to change what the pixy2 do, but whenever it enters the HIGH-value condition, the pixy will give “error: no response”, both condition of codes should work probably as both will work if I interchange the condition, and just the one of HIGH would not work, even I am not reading the switch but made up a bool = 1. Switch and other things are tested separately, seems normal.
Does anyone encounter this?
So its a problem of arduino board, making error of pixy2 not able to response when a HIGH is given to the digital pins
Solved,by changing the pin of button
Assumtion of reason leading to error is a HIGH voltage input at pin 10/11 will interfere the connection beteween arduino and pixy2
Pin 11 on the Arduino UNO is the MOSI SPI pin which Pixy uses to communicate over SPI.