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pixy5 for contactless short range distance measurement?


for one of my “projects” I’ll need quite precise short range distance measuring.
My first idea was to do it with the laser range finder from parallax, but that targets for distances between 15cm and 2.4m and has a resolution of ~ 1mm.

In my case distance to the target will be somewhere between 5 and 25 cm (2-10") and I would need a resolution of around 0.1mm (0,0039"). The actual range of measurement will be somewhere between 0 and 50mm (2"), which is the height of the object(s). Parallax said, this can’t be done with their product.

So I’m wondering if I could accomplish that with pixy5, maybe with a different lens - so that minor differences result in more pixel-changes.

The idea is, that the camera will be fixed, facing down and “zeroed” to a base plate onto which the objects will be placed - a bit like a microscope - and a laser point will be pixy’s learned target.

Thanks in advance



Hello Frank,
I can’t think of a way you can get this kind of accuracy (0.1mm) using Pixy. As far as I know, this is something Pixy can’t do (sorry).


Hello Edward,

thanks for the reply.
No need to feel sorry. This is something Pixy wasn’t designed for. So it’s absolutely fine that it is not able to cope with this task.

