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PixyCam 5 - how to get it to power-up in a certain mode

We’re using this on our robot. But, we can’t figure out how to get it to go into a “mode” (for example analog output of the x-axis) automatically at power up.

Can we get it to do this?

Likewise, we have a signature color captured, and, we’d like to consider using the Servo Tracking Mode, immediately upon power up. Can we do that?

I know it seems like a really basic question. And, we’ve set these modes in the PixyMon software, then disconnected; and, we thought it would stay in that mode. However, it seems to default back to no running mode, once we power cycle. We have the latest firmware rev. Which I don’t have written down in front of me at the moment.


  • Rob

I believe I found it; but, figuring out exactly which tabs in Pixymon to set things in, was/is difficult.

Feel free to still tell me how to do this, just to be sure I’m on the right track.

Likewise, what settings should I use to output Servo Control (like the Pan/Tilt Demo)…right at power up.

And, if you could tell me which settings to use for Analog Out for X-Axis detection, and then also for Analog out Y-Axis Detection. That would be wonderful.

Which still begs the questions; because, i haven’t tested this, now that I think I’ve figured it out! And, I’m about to go to sleep. And, need to figure this out the rest of the way, as soon as I get up. That way I have it figured out before our robotics team meeting! So, any responses/help is MUCH appreciated!!!


  • Rob

Hello Rob,
Note, any setting you make in PixyMon in the Pixy Parameters pane will be saved in Pixy’s flash and recalled in subsequent power cycles:


It sounds like you’re interested in the Data out port:

The data out port will set it to analog X or y axis output.

and the Startup program:

with this you can tell Pixy to run the pan/tilt demo upon power up.

Hope this helps!
