Issue: Pixycam seems to turn off after a few seconds while EV3 program is running.
Setup: Pixycam R1.3A connected to NXT 1.31 firmware with latest EV3 software & Pixy blocks imported. Using standard EV3 infinite loop. Inside infinite loop is Pixy block with X position sent to screen & then 1000 ms wait so screen can be updated & read. All objects cleared in Pixymon and then object taught thru Pixymon & then the USB cable to Pixymon is disconnected.
Details: After teaching an object to Pixycam or after disconnecting the USB cable to Pixymon, and running the program, Pixycam reports appropriate values to the NXT & these are displayed on the NXT screen. The LED on the front of Pixycam shows the object lock/color information. After a few seconds, the LED turns off and zeros are reported on the NXT screen. It looks as if Pixycam has shut off or gone to sleep. Pixycam will remain in this state until something is done that wakes it up.
Does the Pixycam require a keep alive signal of some kind?
Thank you for your help.