I was testing the Pixycam and tried using a different interface than I2C(I believe I picked the first option) by changing it via configuration tab.
After I did that the camera doesnt open via PixyMon application and says “unable to connect to device”.
I’ve pulled up device manager to see if there is a issue with the driver and it doesnt seem like it does. I even tried to uninstall the PixyMon application including the driver via device manager and redownloading everything, still no luck .
Lastly I tried put the Pixy cam into firmware mode and uploaded the most updated firmware on the camera and it still is giving me issues.
The LED flashes pink and white twice when I plug in the camera via USB and then goes to a faint LED. I’ve tried holding down the button on top or pressing it 3 times, I dont know whats wrong with the camera.
Is there a way I can reset the settings manually?