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Power Pixy + Pan/Tilt with USB and Power Cnnector


I’m connecting the Pixy and the Pan/Tilt to my Raspberry Pi 2 via USB and the servos start moving the platform to one side and then buzz. After reading through the Wiki, it looks like the cause of this issue is the lack of current for the servos. I’m using a 1ft USB cable, so the USB cable shouldn’t be the issue.

My question is, would it be ok if I hook up the Pixy to my Raspberry Pi 2 via USB and connect an external power source to the Pixy also?


Hello Spencer,
Hooking power to Pixy via both sources is not a problem. It’s also a great way to figure out if the issue you’re seeing a power issue or not, so that’s good! Let me know what you find.


Hey Edward,

Thanks for your reply. Hooking up the Pixy to both the power source and USB did the trick! Thanks for the help!

Cool! Nice work!