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Problem with Pixy and Win7, USB3.0

I’ve tried 3 usb cables (they work fine with my external CD and HD), when I plug the pixy in the light flashes a few times, then stays pretty dim, but windows device driver, etc shows it connected. When I launch pixymon, I see it print this out over and over:

Pixy detected.
error: Unable to connect to device.

Any help would be appreciated.


What are the lengths of the cables? As you have probably read, longer cables have a larger voltage drop across them, which may not provide Pixy sufficient power.

A few other things you could try are updating the firmware (see “this”:http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Uploading_New_Firmware page), re-installing the driver, or just unplugging Pixy and plugging it back in.

Hope this helps.


The shortest cable was 1’. I tried unplugging and plugging the Pixy in. I also tried both Pixy’s I received in all ports with 3 different cables (1 1’ cable and 2 3’ cables).

I haven’t yet tried updating the firmware or reinstalling the driver.

Hi y’all,
We’ve had a few users with connection issues similar to yours. We haven’t been able to reproduce on our end, but you can help by answering some questions and performing some tests. We will fix this!

  1. When you plug in Pixy via USB, do you see Pixy in the Device Manager? (To bring up the Device Manager, go to start menu and type “Device Manager”. You should see “Pixy CMUcam5” under “Pixy Devices” in the Device Manager window.) If you’re using a Mac, just skip to (2).

  2. If you see Pixy in the Device Manager, or you’re using a Mac, I want to see if we can get into “firmware upload state” which uses a different device driver. We don’t want to upload new firmware though (yet). So try following the upload firmware instructions here: http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Uploading_New_Firmware

Follow the directions contained in the link, including running PixyMon. We are looking for the message “Pixy programming state detected” in PixyMon and for the white LED on Pixy to turn off after Pixymon is executed. *** Let us know if the white LED turns off when you run PixyMon *** (I expect it to print errors after the white LED turns off, but this information will confirm a hypothesis we have.)


So I should have posted this in the software section not hardware :slight_smile:

I think I have it working; at least PixyMon shows video from the Pixy. I was looking over Device Manager and found that it was trying to use winusb. I downloaded zadig and switched it to libusb and it seems to at least have some life. I’ll probably look into how to program/use it in a few hours and let you know how it goes.