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Problems powering Pixy


I’m having an issue powering the camera.
While I’m debugging using USB it works fine but when I unplug the USB it seems that it loses power (I’m working with a Netduino. Pixy is being powered by the 5V (800mA) pin on the Netduino board)

With USB I can detect and follow objects at a considerable distance, 1 meter (it’s what I need), but powered by the board it can only detect 10 cm at best. I plan to use 2 pixys, so the problem will be agravated.

Sorry for my english.
If someone could help me.


Hello Jonatas,
It sounds like your power source might be noisy. Are you powering Pixy through the I/O port? How long is the cable you are using? Have you tried to measure the voltage at the I/O port connector?
