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Problems with version


When using version 1.0.2 the following message appears:

Pixy firmware version 0.1.43
error: This Pixy’s firmware version (0.1.43) is not compatible with this PixyMon version (1.0.2).
Pixy detected.
CCB1 frame data

I tried to update the driver, but did not succeed.

In the previous version and the pixy pan tilt are ok.

Any tips?

Hi Geraldo,

If you are using the Pixymon 1.0.2beta then you also need to use the Pixy firmware 1.0.2beta.


so … I’m using version: 0.1.49, is running.

Would like to use the most current version: 1.0.2…

How do I install this firmware because if via control panel >> Drive upgrade, already tried and not updated, has some tutor to upgrade the Firmware on Windows 8?


Hi Geraldo,

Please see “this”:http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Uploading_New_Firmware wiki page. It guides you through the process of uploading new firmware.
