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Programmatic way to set signature colors?

Is there documentation on how to set the signature colors (like Pixymon does) via a pixy_command() call? I’ve tried to trace through the Pixymon sources, but the answer has eluded me so far.

Hello Bob,
Do you want to put Pixy in “teach mode” (like pressing the white button?) Or do you want to generate a signature somehow and “set” it?

We don’t have a way to put Pixy into teach mode programmatically. This tends to be difficult in practice, because teach mode relies on a human to determine if Pixy has a good “lock” on the target. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have usefulness. We haven’t found a compelling use for it though.

Setting a signature programmatically isn’t supported either. A signature is a statistical model that gets generated onboard Pixy. It contains means and variances of a complementary color space. (I’m only slightly familiar with that that means.) The upshot is that a signature isn’t as simple as an RGB value.

Anyway, sorry I don’t have a solution for you. Can you describe what you are trying to do with your application? Perhaps we can help you find a way to accomplish what you’re trying to accomplish using a different method.


Hello Edward,

Thanks for the note. I’m trying to set the color signatures directly (not teaching mode). My application is for detecting an object of a specific color, and did not want to rely on a pre-programmed Pixy in order to do the work.

The feature I’d like to have is to provide a set or range of colors (RGB or HSL would be useful) in order to program a signature. Using Pixymon, it appears to be able to do that via the ability to create a signature from a sample of the image preview.

Your message suggests the construction of the statistical model is generated by the Pixy, not the Pixymon application.

I haven’t spent enough time tracing through the code to discover the details, and its possible I’m misunderstanding how Pixymon is doing its work.


Hello Bob,
You are correct. Pixy is calculating the statistical models for color signatures.

I’ll log your feature request, but I’m not sure if it’s feasible. (sorry)
