Hi, I am using the pixy to detect retro-reflective tape in high brightness environments. I’ve found that to get consistent blob detection I have to manually set the white balance and exposure values (through pixymon using cam_setWBV(INT32 wbv), cam_setECV(INT32 exposure), and cam_setBrightness(INT8 brightness)), which makes since given the niche lighting conditions of the application. However I was under the assumption that the pixy saved these settings in memory like the color signatures so they’d be preserved past power loss. Unfortunately it seems that when powered on, these settings are set to default values (or automatically calibrated?) which are vastly inferior in terms of accuracy. The obvious solution to this would be to configure the pixy on each power up over serial, but according to this thread: http://www.cmucam.org/boards/9/topics/5872?r=5967 that isn’t a supported feature.
The solution that I’m attempting as of now is to hook the pixy up over usb interface to a raspberry pi and constantly push the commands to set the proper values. This seems rather inefficient and also introduces an entire pi to my project simply because the device we are talking to the pixy with (a roboRIO) can only communicate with it over serial.
So here’s my question: is it possible through any simpler means to configure the pixy in such a way for it retain exposure and white balance settings through repeated startups? I feel like it should be possible to write something to accept those commands over serial, or even save/restore those values on statup but I’m not sure if I’m missing something.
Thanks for the help!