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PWM signal is weak when using other power supplies


I am trying to use the PWM output on a different pan/tilt setup. Everything works fine when I have the Pixy plugged into my laptop, but I cannot get a PWM reading when I use other power supplies.

I made some quick measurements, and it seems like the PWM signal is significantly weaker when using other power supplies (5V regulated USB, 9V unregulated, arduino cable, etc.)… disclaimer: I am not an electrical engineer. :slight_smile:

Any help would be greatly appreciated. And Happy Memorial Day!


Hi Thomas,
Can you be more specific? What do you mean by “significantly weaker”? It sounds like for whatever reason, your power supply may be dipping below the minimum voltage. You should test the 5V at the I/O connector with a voltmeter. As long as it is, say 4.5V-5V, all should be good.


Everything is OK, I wasn’t using a common ground for my PWM signal.

I guess it was just coincidence that it worked with my laptop power supply. That was really confusing me.
