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Questions about I2C connection


I am an electronic engineering degree student, and currently I am working in my final year project with a Robonova-I humanoid robot. The main objective of the project is to make a human-robot interaction interface based in visual recognition; so recently, I have bought a CMUcam5.
I want to connect the CMUcam5 with the MR-C3024 board of the Robonova using the I2C interface.I have read the Porting Guide section of your website, however, I still have some questions that i would like to ask you about how to connect the CMUcam 5 with the Robonova´s board using the I2C interface:

-Can I use the I/O connector that comes with the CMUcam 5, or it´s only for Arduino?
-If the previous answer is “no”, which type of cable/wire i have to use?
-The Porting Guide says that i have to connect the pin 10 (GND) , pin 9 (SDA) and pin 5(SCL), do I have to connect also the pin 2(5V), or it´s not necessary?

Thank you very much.

Hello Juan,

Juan Rodríguez wrote:

-Can I use the I/O connector that comes with the CMUcam 5, or it´s only for Arduino?

The Pixy-Arduino cable connector doesn’t bring out the I2C signals, so you can’t use that calbe if you want to use I2C.

-If the previous answer is “no”, which type of cable/wire i have to use?

There is some information on how to make a cable for Pixy here:


(connector sources, etc.)

-The Porting Guide says that i have to connect the pin 10 (GND) , pin 9 (SDA) and pin 5(SCL), do I have to connect also the pin 2(5V), or it´s not necessary?

If you want to power Pixy through the I/O connector, you’ll need to connect Pin 2 to a regulated 5V source. Here is information on the many ways of powering Pixy:


Hope this helps!


Understood! Thank you very much for your answer Edward!
