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Real-time access to camera data


I’m interested in this product for a facial motion/expression capture project - i.e. not just facial tracking, but full expression capture.

I like that the pixy has a 50fps option (but as I understand it this is at reduced spatial resolution).


1. Can the image data be made available to other vision processing applications in ‘real-time’? (is there an API?)

2. (related to Q1) Even though new information is presented every 20ms what would be the delay at which the information is received from the camera to a PC?

3. What frame rates/delays can the full 720p sensor output be accessed at (elementary math suggest 12.5fps) - are there any intermediate options?

I’ve seen the product used in a real-time robotics application and was impressed, however I think the group taking advantage of the on-board processing. My project would preferably be markerless, hence the interest in accessing the image directly.

Thanks for any input!
Lamars Javelin

Hi Lamar,

  1. Not as of now. You’d have to add that functionality yourself. Right now Pixy is meant for detecting objects, not sending video data.
  2. I would think the largest delays would be in the transfer to/from memory and transfer over USB. The rest is fairly negligible.
  3. The sensor sends frames at 50fps, so you can scale that down and sample the data at a slower rate: 50/X. This sample rate is set in the firmware, so you can modify it there.

Good luck!
