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Regarding Camera Hardware


I just recently received my Pixy and I connected it to my computer and ran Pixymon. I tried the learning objects etc and it was really nice. I have a few questions tho. The images from my pixy that i can see thru pixymon is kinda blurred and doesnt see much of all the colors, i tried adjusting the lens by rotating it tho it was able to focus, it still blurred and pixelized and kinda dark.

Do i have to change some settings?

pls do help thank you

Hi Jerome,

What are your lighting conditions like? Also, you can try adjusting the brightness settings or light mode on Pixy. You can do this by either configuring them in Pixymon’s configuration window or on the command line of Pixymon. Type ‘help’ in Pixymon to get a list of available options. Let me know how it goes.
