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Screen image capture with Pixy

Hi everyone, I’m new to Pixy and Arduino; literally knew about it 3 days ago and here I am trying something out for a school project due soon.

Im looking for a way to trigger screencapture/save image of what Pixy sees via Arduino Uno. is this possible? Basically, if eyes blink, Arduino sends signal to Pixy to capture image of POV of user.

Original intention was to capture real time image via Pixy but obviously such a (much needed) function is not supported, thus any workaround of getting even remotely close to the same end result is fine for me.

All and any help appreciated :slight_smile:

Getting a raw image isn’t possible from an Arduino (sorry). Usually, a smaller processor like an Arduino doesn’t have much CPU power/memory to manipulate/send/receive full images. What are you trying to do?

We have a getRGB() function that you can use to get small sections of the frame. https://docs.pixycam.com/wiki/doku.php?id=wiki:v2:video_api


Hi Edward,

Thanks for the explanation! Maybe you could assist and guide me further — my project uses Pixy to allow users to “see” their own point of view through a camera mounted onto them (chosen pixy bc of its small size).

Thus I intend for Arduino to trigger a screen capture of Pixy’s footage when the user activates the sensor. (ie tap on glasses or blink, Pixy takes a capture of what the current image is looking at)

Thanks in advance!

It’s a great idea, thanks for explaining. Pixy doesn’t work with raw frames and the Arduino (sorry). You might consider using a Raspberry Pi and one of their cameras. The ability of the Raspberry Pi may be better suited for dealing with the frames/video.
