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smallest Arduino footprint

I am currently using my Pixys with Arduino Unos. However, What is the the smallest Arduino (the smallest footprint) that can be used with the Pixy?

Hi Frederick,

I believe the main issue is physical connections - as long as the microcontroller is fully compatible with the Arduino IDE and can run sketches, you should be able to use whatever Arduino you want. However, smaller Arduinos probably won’t have the 6-pin SPI header to plug easily into Pixy. They generally have the same I/O pins though, so you should be able to wire up your own connections with a breadboard or soldering iron.

What Arduino are you looking at, specifically?


Thanks Jesse.

I am going to try the Nano 3.x with the ATmega328 chip. It has the SPI terminal. That should work, correct?

Thanks again,

Yes! Looks good. You should be able to plug directly in using the cable that comes with Pixy. Let us know how it goes!


The nano does not seem to work with the Pixy. The camera does not even power up.


Hmm. Have you followed the directions here? http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Hooking_up_Pixy_to_a_Microcontroller_(like_an_Arduino)

Specifically, loading the sketch.

It’s also possible that the Nano isn’t supplying enough power to Pixy. Have you tried plugging both the Nano and Pixy into USB?