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Soccer ball tracing?

Hej guys and gals,

I’d like to hook up my Pixy to trace a soccer ball being kicked from a freekick position. Like this:

Would it be possible to calculate the speed and distance of the ball based on the output of the Pixy. I understand that Pixy will provide X/Y coordinates of the ball, but if I know the diameter of the ball and the dimension of the goal, could Pixy then use these data to calculate the distance between the goal and the ball. Hence being able to build a 3D model of a freekick?

Looking forward to your input on this question.

rgs Morten:)

Hi Morten,

I would say this is possible, but would probably need to be done in a fairly controlled environment. The ball would also need to be a more distinctive color than the one in the video you posted.

Yes, a rough estimation of distance can be measured by tracking the changes of the object size, and speed can be calculated using the difference in measurements over a period of time.
