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Speed of Object

How fast can an object move in order to still be tracked by the CMUcam5?

Hi Bryan,

Pixy captures images at 50fps, so you can calculate roughly how fast an object can be moving and still be detected. The quote below comes from our “Kickstarter”:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/254449872/pixy-cmucam5-a-fast-easy-to-use-vision-sensor?ref=live page:

What does “50 frames per second” mean? In short, it means Pixy is fast. Pixy processes an entire 640x400 image frame every 1/50th of a second (20 milliseconds). This means that you get a complete update of all detected objects’ positions every 20 ms. At this rate, tracking the path of falling/bouncing ball is possible. (A ball traveling at 30 mph moves less than a foot in 20 ms.)

Of course, results may vary depending on the object color (how easily it is detected), distance from the camera, etc.

Hope this helps.
