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The camera is not able to track the object

Hello friends.

I’m using the color example that comes in the PixyCam5 box. I set the green to signature 1 and the pink to the signature 2 with no problem (as I show in the image attached) :slight_smile: But when i try to run the pan/tilt demo the Pixy don’t follow the signatures with precision like this video: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTOyQOSswUE). Anyone know what is wrong here or what can be the problem?

Thank you.
Best regards,
Sergio Dias

Hello Sergio,
Tracking color codes is not as quick as individual colors. This is mostly due to motion blur. Motion blur will cause the color codes to be lose their structure, or cause the individual colors to blur into each other. You can improve this by using more light in the environment, which will decrease the camera’s exposure time, which will decrease the motion blur. But for a given lighting sitation, etc, individual colors will always be quicker.

Hope this helps!


Edward Getz wrote:

Hello Sergio,
Tracking color codes is not as quick as individual colors. This is mostly due to motion blur. Motion blur will cause the color codes to be lose their structure, or cause the individual colors to blur into each other. You can improve this by using more light in the environment, which will decrease the camera’s exposure time, which will decrease the motion blur. But for a given lighting sitation, etc, individual colors will always be quicker.

Hope this helps!


Thank you for your answer. But I already tried with a single color object (as I show in the image attached). The camera track the color very well, but when I want use the servos to track the object in the room, the camera cannot follow the object, instead the camera moves really crazy :confused:

Hey Sergio,

have you seen our troubleshooting doc for the pan/tilt? Please check to make sure you have tried these steps: http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/My_pantilt_is_acting_sort_of_crazy

If all of that doesn’t work, please let us know - we have been seeing a couple Pixys that have damaged servo controllers of some kind. In that case, we can set up a replacement.
