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Tracking an unknown object

Hey CharmedLabs,

I am a mechanical engineering college student working on a modified robotic sumo wrestling competition. The purpose is to find the opposing robot and push it out of a ring while being able to keep your robot on the mat. The robots are a maximum size of 8inch x 8 inch and 10lbf. It has a much wider area (16 feet diameter) than normal competitions and thought that a camera may be better than an IR or ultrasound sensor in this slower paced, more spread out competition. I was wondering if it was possible to use the Pixy (CMUcam5) to locate the opponent and track them without needing to know their color? The opponents will most likely all be of similar size but is the camera able to track a robot without caring about the color?


Hello Ben,
Pixy’s color connected components algorithm needs to know the color (hue) of the object beforehand. (sorry)
