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UART send the wrong sync byte

I’m a collage student ,I’ve bought a pixymon for my robot project,the MCU I’m using is PIC32mx795F512L,I’ve using the computer to receive the data from pixymon via uart with uart&USB converter,then I got the 55AB 5595 instead of aa55 aa55 at the begin of each frame,then I test it with pic I found that pic also received 55AB 5595,does anybody know what’s going on?what should I do ?
Jason Zou

by the way,when I use the UART&USB to test the pic I can send and receive the data correctly, and I’ve check the configuration of the pixymon 8data bits 1stop bits no parity no handshaking changed baudrates didn’t send the correct sync bits(55AB 5595 still).

Sorry but i need your help. I’m working on my project from school using cmucam5 and pic 16f887 too. Can you give me some advice how to “using the computer to receive the data from pixymon via uart with uart&USB converter”. I’ve bought uart&USB converter and stuck in there.

And finally, sorry for my bad english.

Hello Jason,
What baudrate are you using? It sorta looks like your baudrate is off.
