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update firmware to the pixy R1.3


I was trying to install and try the pixy and downloaded the lastest app i saw pixymon_windows-1.0.2beta.exe from here http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/files

it says it is not compatible with my firmware , how could i update the firmaware of the pixy device ?

cheers ;D

Download the older pixymon for Windows “pixymon_windows-0.1.49.exe” then download the latest firmware “firmware-1.0.2beta.hex”.
Use the older Pixymon to update the firmware and the newest version of Pixymon should then work.

I am new to the Pixy so anyone should correct me if I am wrong but this is what I did a month ago and it worked. I am going off of memory and I had brain surgery 3 weeks ago so…

Instructions for uploading new firmware… http://www.cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Uploading_New_Firmware

hey thanks for the reply , this is actually what i tried first but i did not see any firmware button or to browse the firmware file , sorry where is it ?

thanks again

Hold down the white button while plugging in the USB cable and have Pixymon running. Read the last few paragraphs of the instructions in the link I posted.

hello thank you , i missed your link with the exitement of making woork quickly ;D ,

now firmware updated and running.