I want to connect Pixy to a FireFly processor(www.nanork.org/attachments/77/FireFly_datasheet.pdf) which has an SPI/ISP header on its board with these 6 pins - MISO, SCLK, RESET, 3.3V, MOSI and GND. The FireFly processor also has a CC2420 radio chip that resides as a slave on the SPI bus. I was confused whether I need to use SS line instead of RESET pin in order to connect to Pixy?
Also, I was wondering if I can use the Arduino cable that came along with Pixy to connect it to the SPI header on my FireFly board since they seem to have the same pinout.
I am new to using a PixyCam and the Slave Select discussion in the Porting Guide section confused me a bit, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!