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Using SS when connecting Pixy to another micro-controller using SPI?


I want to connect Pixy to a FireFly processor(www.nanork.org/attachments/77/FireFly_datasheet.pdf) which has an SPI/ISP header on its board with these 6 pins - MISO, SCLK, RESET, 3.3V, MOSI and GND. The FireFly processor also has a CC2420 radio chip that resides as a slave on the SPI bus. I was confused whether I need to use SS line instead of RESET pin in order to connect to Pixy?

Also, I was wondering if I can use the Arduino cable that came along with Pixy to connect it to the SPI header on my FireFly board since they seem to have the same pinout.

I am new to using a PixyCam and the Slave Select discussion in the Porting Guide section confused me a bit, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Hello Priyanka,
If you don’t need to hook more than one device to the SPI port on your processor, just use the regular default Arduino ICSP SPI mode.

I’m not familiar with the Firefly, but if it has a port that is identical to the Arduino ICSP port:

by all means use the supplied cable.

Hope this helps!