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using stronger servos with pixy?

Hey guys! i wanna couple pixy with some stronger servos, so that it can hold a gopro too, much like a automatic cameraman.

How would i go about making pixy work with my servos? :slight_smile:


Hi Kasper,

I’m not as knowledgeable on servos as some of the other people on the team (so I’ll have to check with them), but I can at least tell you “this”:https://github.com/charmedlabs/pixy/blob/master/device/libpixy/rcservo.cpp is where some of the servo code is at on Pixy. This might give you some more insight in to how they are controlled.

You can also change the P and D gain from within the Configure Parameters dialog in Pixymon (see “here”:http://cmucam.org/projects/cmucam5/wiki/Run_the_Pantilt_Demo#Running-the-demo-from-PixyMon).

Hope this helps!
