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using the analog/digital outputs of the CMUcam5 Pixy to follow a color line

first excuse me for my wrong English. I am a french speaker. I use the USB-6001 acquisition card of national instrument to control my robot. my card support only analog/digital outputs and inputs. i would like to use the CMUcam5 to make my robot follow a red line.

-so first, is it possible to teach my image to the CMUcam5 (my image is a red square) without any programming? I read that we teach him the image by placing the image in front of him and by pressing the button, after dowloading the pixy software; so do we need to write a code or a program in the pixy software to teach him the image? because I don’t know programming very well.

  • after teaching him the image, will I be able to get the information with my acquisition card without making any programming in the pixy software?
    I expect that after connecting my card to the pin3 and the pin1 of the CMUcam5, i will read the position (width or the length) of the image on the pin 3 in volt, and the pin 1 will tell me by 0 or 1 if the image is the red square that i taught to the CMUcam5 at the beginning or not.

Is it possible to use the CMUcam5 for my system like this? if not what sould i do?

Hello Fabiola,
Using the analog/digital outputs is a good way to use Pixy if you want to simplify the host/microcontroller communications. You don’t need to write any software to teach Pixy objects. This is done by pressing the white button or through the PixyMon application.

In general though, Pixy is a sensor and you’ll usually need to write some code to deal with the data that Pixy provides. Pixy has a pan/tilt demo mode that doesn’t require any coding.

Hope this helps!


ok. thank you for your answer