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Video Issues?

Tried searching the forms for this issue; but, either I’m a bad searcher or no one’s posted yet…

Just got my Pixy today! Wahoo! Hooked it up to the PC just to test it out. All worked as promised…no issues. Took a break for dinner and fired it up again a few hours later and now I’m getting some very noticeable ghosting / noise / pixel remnants. Looks like a scene from the matrix.

Is this normal? I swear everything was clear when I first fired it up. I tried resetting pixy software settings to default, uninstalling / re-installing the software, and rebooting, unplugged / replugged. That’s about the limits of my testing ability.

I did read a post about strange power issues due to a cheap usb cable; but, I’m using the cable that came with my GoPro. I’m assuming they didn’t ship too crappy of a cable. Could it be a cable issue? Only thing is, it’s the same cable that I used when I first fired it up and everything was clear

Below is a screen print with the lens cap on. Noise remains very noticeable in brightly lighted areas as well.

Anyone encounter this yet?

Ugh! That’s not good! I’d like to take a look. Let me send email you info on sending back to us. :frowning:
