Hello Scott,
The runprogArg currently only supports the single arg “1”.
So what’s really going on here? Pixy has 7 possible programs you can select upon power up – programs 1 through 7. There are 7 programs because Pixy’s program selector is so rudimentary – it cycles through the major colors red, orange, yellow… 1, 2, 3… to select the desired program. The current firmware only has two programs – the default color connected components program and the pan/tilt demo. Program 8 (hence the 8 in runprogArg 8 1) is always reserved for raw video. Right now, program 8 can take one numerical argument, which tells it which fourcc to return. With no argument, the video program will just return raw Bayer frames (fourcc=BA81). With the “1” argument, the video program returns Cooked Mode frames (fourcc=CMV2).
Hope this helps!