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what i will get with 4 Pixys connected together up to 4 slaves or more !

Hello everyone
what i will get with 4 Pixys connected together.
do i will get more FPS ! or what do you think?
look interesting.

Hi Genius,

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? If you’re looking to add up the “raw power” of 4 Pixy’s then I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that. You could use 4 Pixy’s to cover a larger scene area for object detection, but it won’t get you more FPS.


Hi Scott
Very interesting
i want to use 4 Pixy’s to cover a larger scene area for object detection , to fix losing the object.
cuz 1 Pixy lost the object ( object is kitten/Hamster ) when pixy too close to the object and the object run speedy away to left or right , pixy will lost the object .
i think having 3 Pixy’s will fix losing the object , one to the front side ( primary ) , one to the right side ( as sensor ) , one to the left side ( as sensor ) .
what do you think.

Hi Genius,

That could definitely work. Adding more Pixy’s and positioning them correctly would definitely give you a larger view area, and therefore make it more difficult to lose sight of an object.

Are you using the pan/tilt servos? That may help you by allowing Pixy to look in different directions and follow an object.


really interesting .
i am using pan/tilt servos … but also some times i the object lost .
i will try to use 4 Pixy’s to cover a larger scene area for object detection , to fix losing the object.
one pixy with pan/tilt to the front side ( primary ) … three pixys without pan/tilt ( as sensors ) .
do you think i need pan/tilt servos for all pixys … i don’t think so.

That depends on how large your scene is, and where you place your Pixys. You can always do some tests and see how it works without the pan/tilts and then add them later if needed. This way you don’t need to purchase unnecessary hardware.
