The website has lego-Pixy download named lego_pixy-1.1.4.zip with pixy.ev3b inside.
In two posts you supplied pixy(13).ev3b and pixy (15).ev3b software to fix some bugs.
Does the 1.1.4 version include these bug fixes ?
Which is the “best” most up to date version to use ?
I’m using pixycam1 with an EV3 to detect a single 3 digit colorcode…and I’m finding it does return the color codes to the LEGO software correctly everytime, whereas the pixymon has no trouble detecting the 3 digit color code ? (so my camera usage is OK)
(By 3 digit color code I mean I have 3 colors next to each other which return a 3 digit code)
Thanks for your help in clarifying which is the latest pixy lego block to use.