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Where is the origin of the x and y axes?

When I use Pixy2 to recognize the Ping-Pong, I can get the number of x and y. However, I do not know the zero point of the x and y axes. Where is the origin of the x and y axes?

Hi Liang,

the origin is the upper leftmost corner of the image. More on this here: https://docs.pixycam.com/wiki/doku.php?id=wiki:v2:ccc_api


Thank you very much, you have solved my problem completely!

I have another question, what’s the unit of the x and y axes?

Hooray! Happy to help.

I believe the unit is pixels.

Thank you very much!

Could you tell me that what is the resolution of the Pixy2 camera? Because I want to calculate the
centimeter distance through the pixels.

For the color connected components algorithm, the resolution is 316x208. It’s on the same page:

