Hi there thanks for looking at this,
I am a beginner at python and having trouble using the libpixyusb module.
I followed the instructions to build the module on my mac, and was able to build and run the demos via the command line.
Now I am trying to include the module in another project, and I am not sure where the “module” is or what files it comprises.
I need to get all of the pixy module dependencies together because my application is a game, and I need to package all the dependencies along with the python interpreter in the game itself.
I have tried copying all of the files in the ‘python_demos’ folder into my game folder, and “import pixy” in the game python code doesn’t throw an error - but none of the pixy attributes are defined or usable. In short, I’m stuck and in over my head - I’d appreciate any advice or new avenues to try.
Thanks in advance.